Source code for pyEMA.pyEMA

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import scipy.linalg
from tqdm import tqdm
from scipy.linalg import toeplitz, companion
from scipy.optimize import least_squares, leastsq

import warnings

    import tkinter as tk
    print('WARNING: tkinter is not istalled or not accessible. Stability chart is not available.')

from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg, NavigationToolbar2Tk
from matplotlib.figure import Figure

warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=RuntimeWarning)

from .pole_picking import SelectPoles
from . import tools
from . import stabilization
from . import normal_modes

[docs]class Model(): """ Modal model of frequency response functions. """
[docs] def __init__(self, frf=None, freq=None, dt=None, lower=50, upper=10000, pol_order_high=100, pyfrf=False, get_partfactors=False, driving_point=None, frf_type='accelerance'): """ :param frf: Frequency response function matrix A ndarray with shape `(n_locations, n_frequency_points)`. :type frf: ndarray :param freq: Frequency array :type freq: array :param lower: Lower limit for pole determination [Hz] :type lower: int, float :param upper: Upper limit for pole determination [Hz] :type upper: int, float :param pol_order_high: Highest order of the polynomial :type pol_order_high: int :param pyfrf: add FRFs directly from the pyFRF object :type pyfrf: bool :param get_partfactors: calculate the participation factors. :type get_partfactors: bool :param driving point: the index of the driving point (used to scale the modal constants to modal shapes) :type driving_point: int, defaults to None :param frf_type: type of the Frequency Response Function. Must be 'receptance', 'mobility' or 'accelerance'. The correct FRF type selection is important for the LSFD algorithm. """ try: self.lower = float(lower) except: raise Exception('lower must be float or integer') if self.lower < 0: raise Exception('lower must be more than or equal to zero') try: self.upper = float(upper) except: raise Exception('upper must be float or integer') if self.upper < self.lower: raise Exception('upper must be greater than lower') if pyfrf: self.frf = 0 elif not pyfrf and frf is not None and freq is not None: try: self.frf = np.asarray(frf) except: raise Exception('cannot convert frf to numpy ndarray') if self.frf.ndim == 1: self.frf = np.array([self.frf]) try: self.freq = np.asarray(freq) except: raise Exception('cannot convert freq to numpy array') if self.freq.ndim != 1: raise Exception( f'ndim of freq is not equal to 1 ({self.freq.ndim})') # Cut off the frequencies above 'upper' argument cutoff_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(self.freq - self.upper)) self.frf = self.frf[:, :cutoff_ind] self.freq = self.freq[:cutoff_ind] else: raise Exception('input arguments are not defined') try: self.pol_order_high = int(pol_order_high) except: raise Exception('cannot convert pol_order_high to integer') if self.pol_order_high <= 0: raise Exception('pol_order_high must be more than zero') if not pyfrf: = 2 * np.pi * self.freq if dt is None: self.sampling_time = 1/(2*self.freq[-1]) else: self.sampling_time = dt if driving_point is None: self.driving_point = driving_point else: if type(driving_point) != int: raise('"driving_point" must be an integer') else: self.driving_point = driving_point if frf_type not in ['receptance', 'mobility', 'accelerance']: raise('"frf_type" must be "receptance", "mobility" or "accelerance".') else: self.frf_type = frf_type self.get_participation_factors = get_partfactors
[docs] def add_frf(self, pyfrf_object): """ Add an FRF at a next location. This method can be used in relation to pyFRF from Open Modal ( :param pyfrf_object: FRF object from pyFRF :type pyfrf_object: object """ freq = pyfrf_object.get_f_axis() sel = (freq >= 1.0e-1) self.freq = freq[sel] = 2 * np.pi * self.freq self.sampling_time = 1/(2*self.freq[-1]) new_frf = np.vstack(pyfrf_object.get_FRF(form='receptance')[sel]) if isinstance(self.frf, int): self.frf = new_frf.T else: self.frf = np.concatenate((self.frf, new_frf.T), axis=0)
[docs] def get_poles(self, method='lscf', show_progress=True): """Compute poles based on polynomial approximation of FRF. Source: The LSCF method is an frequency-domain Linear Least Squares estimator optimized for modal parameter estimation. The choice of the most important algorithm characteristics is based on the results in [1] (Section 5.3.3.) and can be summarized as: - Formulation: the normal equations [1] (Eq. 5.26: [sum(Tk - Sk.H * Rk^-1 * Sk)]*ThetaA=D*ThetaA = 0) are constructed for the common denominator discrete-time model in the Z-domain. Consequently, by looping over the outputs and inputs, the submatrices Rk, Sk, and Tk are formulated through the use of the FFT algorithm as Toeplitz structured (n+1) square matrices. Using complex coefficients, the FRF data within the frequency band of interest (FRF-zoom) is projected in the Z-domain in the interval of [0, 2*pi] in order to improve numerical conditioning. (In the case that real coefficients are used, the data is projected in the interval of [0, pi].) The projecting on an interval that does not completely describe the unity circle, say [0, alpha*2*pi] where alpha is typically 0.9-0.95. Deliberately over-modeling is best applied to cope with discontinuities. This is justified by the use of a discrete time model in the Z-domain, which is much more robust for a high order of the transfer function polynomials. - Solver: the normal equations can be solved for the denominator coefficients ThetaA by computing the Least-Squares (LS) or mixed Total-Least-Squares (TLS) solution. The inverse of the square matrix D for the LS solution is computed by means of a pseudo inverse operation for reasons of numerical stability, while the mixed LS-TLS solution is computed using an SVD (Singular Value Decomposition). Literature: [1] Verboven, P., Frequency-domain System Identification for Modal Analysis, Ph. D. thesis, Mechanical Engineering Dept. (WERK), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussel, (Belgium), May 2002, ( [2] Verboven, P., Guillaume, P., Cauberghe, B., Parloo, E. and Vanlanduit S., Stabilization Charts and Uncertainty Bounds For Frequency-Domain Linear Least Squares Estimators, Vrije Universiteit Brussel(VUB), Mechanical Engineering Dept. (WERK), Acoustic and Vibration Research Group (AVRG), Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium, e-mail:, url: ( -Stabilization-Charts-Uncertainty-Bounds-Frequency-Domain- Linear-Least.pdf) [3] P. Guillaume, P. Verboven, S. Vanlanduit, H. Van der Auweraer, B. Peeters, A Poly-Reference Implementation of the Least-Squares Complex Frequency-Domain Estimator, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, LMS International :param method: The method of poles calculation. :param show_progress: Show progress bar """ if method != 'lscf': raise Exception( f'no method "{method}". Currently only the "lscf" method is implemented.') if show_progress: def tqdm_range(x): return tqdm(x, ncols=100) else: def tqdm_range(x): return x self.all_poles = [] self.pole_freq = [] self.pole_xi = [] self.partfactors = [] lower_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(self.freq - self.lower)) n = self.pol_order_high * 2 nf = 2 * (self.frf.shape[1] - 1) nr = self.frf.shape[0] indices_s = np.arange(-n, n+1) indices_t = np.arange(n+1) sk = -_irfft_adjusted_lower_limit(self.frf, lower_ind, indices_s) t = _irfft_adjusted_lower_limit( self.frf.real**2 + self.frf.imag**2, lower_ind, indices_t) r = -(np.fft.irfft(np.ones(lower_ind), n=nf))[indices_t]*nf r[0] += nf s = [] for i in range(nr): s.append(toeplitz(sk[i, n:], sk[i, :n+1][::-1])) t = toeplitz(np.sum(t[:, :n+1], axis=0)) r = toeplitz(r) # Ascending polinomial order pole computation for j in tqdm_range(range(2, n+1, 2)): d = 0 rinv = np.linalg.inv(r[:j+1, :j+1]) for i in range(nr): snew = s[i][:j+1, :j+1] d -=[:j+1, :j+1].T, rinv), snew[:j+1, :j+1]) # sum d += t[:j+1, :j+1] a0an1 = np.linalg.solve(-d[0:j, 0:j], d[0:j, j]) # the numerator coefficients sr = np.roots(np.append(a0an1, 1)[::-1]) # Z-domain (for discrete-time domain model) poles = -np.log(sr) / self.sampling_time if self.get_participation_factors: _t = companion(np.append(a0an1, 1)[::-1]) _v, _w = np.linalg.eig(_t) self.partfactors.append(_w[-1, :]) f_pole, ceta = tools.complex_freq_to_freq_and_damp(poles) self.all_poles.append(poles) self.pole_freq.append(f_pole) self.pole_xi.append(ceta)
[docs] def select_poles(self): """Select stable poles from stability chart. Interactive pole selection is possible. Identification of natural frequency and damping coefficients is executed on-the-fly, as well as computing reconstructed FRF and modal constants. The identification can be done in two ways: :: # 1. Using stability chart >>> a.select_poles() # pick poles >>> a.nat_freq # natural frequencies >>> a.nat_xi # damping coefficients >>> a.H # reconstructed FRF matrix >>> a.A # modal constants (a.A[:, -2:] are Lower and Upper residual) # 2. Using approximate natural frequencies >>> approx_nat_freq = [234, 545] >>> a.select_closest_poles(approx_nat_freq) >>> a.nat_freq # natural frequencies >>> a.nat_xi # damping coefficients >>> H, A = a.get_constants(whose_poles='own', FRF_ind='all) # reconstruction """ _ = SelectPoles(self)
def _select_closest_poles_on_the_fly(self): """ On-the-fly selection of the closest poles. """ y_ind = int(np.argmin(np.abs(np.arange(0, len(self.pole_freq) )-self.y_data_pole))) # Find closest pole order # Find cloeset frequency sel = np.argmin(np.abs(self.pole_freq[y_ind] - self.x_data_pole)) self.pole_ind.append([y_ind, sel]) self.nat_freq.append(self.pole_freq[y_ind][sel]) self.nat_xi.append(self.pole_xi[y_ind][sel])
[docs] def select_closest_poles(self, approx_nat_freq, f_window=50, fn_temp=0.001, xi_temp=0.05): """ Identification of natural frequency and damping. If `approx_nat_freq` is used, the method finds closest poles of the polynomial. :param approx_nat_freq: Approximate natural frequency value :type approx_nat_freq: list :param f_window: width of the optimization frequency window when searching for stable poles :type f_window: float, int """ pole_ind = [] sel_ind = [] Nmax = self.pol_order_high poles = self.all_poles fn_temp, xi_temp, test_fn, test_xi = stabilization._stabilization( poles, Nmax, err_fn=fn_temp, err_xi=xi_temp) # select the stable poles b = np.argwhere((test_fn > 0) & ((test_xi > 0) & (xi_temp > 0))) mask = np.zeros_like(fn_temp) mask[b[:, 0], b[:, 1]] = 1 # mask the unstable poles f_stable = fn_temp * mask xi_stable = xi_temp * mask f_stable[f_stable != f_stable] = 0 xi_stable[xi_stable != xi_stable] = 0 self.f_stable = f_stable f_windows = [ f_window//i for i in range(2, 100) if f_window//i > 3] + [2] for i, fr in enumerate(approx_nat_freq): # Optimize the approximate frequency def fun(x, f_step): f = x[0] _f_stable = f_stable[(f_stable > (fr - f_step)) & (f_stable < (fr + f_step))] return _f_stable.flatten() - f for f_w in f_windows: sol = least_squares(lambda x: fun(x, f_w), x0=[fr]) fr = sol.x[0] # Select the closest frequency f_sel = np.argmin(np.abs(f_stable - fr)) f_sel = np.unravel_index(f_sel, f_stable.shape) # The pole index is known (f_sel[1]) # The frequency index for this pole order is not known # A reconstructed pole is compared with existing poles to # get the index of the pole. sel = np.argmin(np.abs(self.pole_freq[f_sel[1]] - fr)) selected_pole = -xi_temp[f_sel]*(2*np.pi*fn_temp[f_sel]) + 1j*( 2*np.pi*fn_temp[f_sel])*np.sqrt(1-xi_temp[f_sel]**2) _sel = np.argmin(np.abs(self.all_poles[f_sel[1]] - selected_pole)) pole_ind.append([f_sel[1], _sel]) sel_ind.append([f_sel[1], f_sel[0]]) sel_ind = np.asarray(sel_ind, dtype=int) self.pole_ind = np.asarray(pole_ind, dtype=int) self.nat_freq = f_stable[sel_ind[:, 1], sel_ind[:, 0]] self.nat_xi = xi_stable[sel_ind[:, 1], sel_ind[:, 0]]
[docs] def get_constants(self, method='lsfd', whose_poles='own', FRF_ind='all', f_lower=None, f_upper=None, complex_mode=True, upper_r=True, lower_r=True, least_squares_type='new'): """ Least square frequency domain 1D (Participation factor excluded) :param whose_poles: Whose poles to use, defaults to 'own' :type whose_poles: object or string ('own'), optional :param FRF_ind: FRF at which location to reconstruct, defaults to 'all' :type FRF_ind: int or 'all', optional :param f_lower: lower limit on frequency for reconstruction. If None, self.lower is used, defaults to None :type f_lower: float, optional :param f_upper: upper limit on frequency for reconstruction. If None, self.lower is used, defaults to None :type f_upper: float, optional :param complex_mode: Return complex modes, defaults to True :type complex_mode: bool, optional :param upper_r: Compute upper residual, defaults to True :type upper_r: bool, optional :param lower_r: Compute lower residual, defaults to True :type lower_r: bool, optional :return: modal constants if ``FRF_ind=None``, otherwise reconstructed FRFs and modal constants """ if method not in ['lsfd', 'lsfd_proportional']: raise Exception( f'no method "{method}".') if whose_poles == 'own': whose_poles = self pole_ind = np.asarray(whose_poles.pole_ind, dtype=int) n_poles = pole_ind.shape[0] poles = [] for i in range(n_poles): poles.append(whose_poles.all_poles[pole_ind[i, 0]][pole_ind[i, 1]]) poles = np.asarray(poles) # concatenate frequency and FRF array if f_lower == None: f_lower = self.lower if f_upper == None: f_upper = self.upper lower_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(self.freq - f_lower)) upper_ind = np.argmin(np.abs(self.freq - f_upper)) # Modal constant identification if method == 'lsfd': self.A, self.H, self.LR, self.UR = LSFD(poles, self.frf, self.freq, lower_r, upper_r, lower_ind, upper_ind, self.frf_type) elif method == 'lsfd_proportional': self.A, self.H, self.LR, self.UR = LSFD_proportional(poles, self.frf, self.freq, lower_r, upper_r, lower_ind, upper_ind, self.frf_type) # Scale with the driving point to obtain the modal shapes if self.driving_point is not None: scale = self.A[self.driving_point]**(0.5) self.phi = self.A/scale return self.H, self.A
[docs] def FRF_reconstruct(self, FRF_ind): """ Reconstruct FRF based on modal constants. :param FRF_ind: Reconstruct FRF on location with this index, int :return: Reconstructed FRF """ FRF_true = np.zeros(len(, complex) for n in range(self.A.shape[1]): FRF_true += (self.A[FRF_ind, n] / (1j* - self.poles[n])) + \ (np.conjugate(self.A[FRF_ind, n]) / (1j* - np.conjugate(self.poles[n]))) FRF_true += -self.LR[FRF_ind] / \ (**2) + self.UR[FRF_ind] return FRF_true
[docs] def autoMAC(self): """ Auto Modal Assurance Criterion. :return: autoMAC matrix """ if not hasattr(self, 'A'): raise Exception('Mode shape matrix not defined.') return tools.MAC(self.A, self.A)
[docs] def normal_mode(self): """Transform the complex mode shape matrix self.A to normal mode shape. The real mode shape should have the maximum correlation with the original complex mode shape. The vector that is most correlated with the complex mode, is the real part of the complex mode when it is rotated so that the norm of its real part is maximized. [1] Literature: [1] Gladwell, H. Ahmadian GML, and F. Ismail. "Extracting Real Modes from Complex Measured Modes." :return: normal mode shape """ if not hasattr(self, 'A'): raise Exception('Mode shape matrix not defined.') return normal_modes.complex_to_normal_mode(self.A)
[docs] def print_modal_data(self): """ Show modal data in a table-like structure. """ print(' Nat. f. Damping') print(23*'-') for i, f in enumerate(self.nat_freq): print(f'{i+1}) {f:6.1f}\t{self.nat_xi[i]:5.4f}')
def _irfft_adjusted_lower_limit(x, low_lim, indices): """ Compute the ifft of real matrix x with adjusted summation limits: :: y(j) = sum[k=-n-2, ... , -low_lim-1, low_lim, low_lim+1, ... n-2, n-1] x[k] * exp(sqrt(-1)*j*k* 2*pi/n), j =-n-2, ..., -low_limit-1, low_limit, low_limit+1, ... n-2, n-1 :param x: Single-sided real array to Fourier transform. :param low_lim: lower limit index of the array x. :param indices: list of indices of interest :return: Fourier transformed two-sided array x with adjusted lower limit. Retruns values. Source: """ nf = 2 * (x.shape[1] - 1) a = (np.fft.irfft(x, n=nf)[:, indices]) * nf b = (np.fft.irfft(x[:, :low_lim], n=nf)[:, indices]) * nf return a - b def LSFD_old(poles, frf, freq, lower_r, upper_r, lower_ind, upper_ind, frf_type): """Identification of the modal constants using the Least-Squares Frequency Domain method. :param poles: poles, identified with the LSCF :param frf: the measured Frequeny Response Functions :param freq: the frequency vector [Hz] :param lower_r: bool, include the lower residuals :param upper_r: bool, include the upper residuals :param lower_ind: the lower frequency limit :param upper_ind: the upper frequency limit """ nr_poles = len(poles) frf_ = frf[:, lower_ind:upper_ind] freq_ = freq[lower_ind:upper_ind] TA = TA_construction(poles, freq_, lower_r, upper_r) AT = np.linalg.pinv(TA) FRF_r_i = np.concatenate([np.real(frf_.T),np.imag(frf_.T)]) A_LSFD = AT @ FRF_r_i A = (A_LSFD[0:2*nr_poles:2, :] + 1.j*A_LSFD[1:2*nr_poles+1:2, :]).T # FRF reconstruction FRF_rec_ = TA_construction(poles, freq, lower_r, upper_r) @ A_LSFD FRF_rec = (FRF_rec_[:len(freq),:] + FRF_rec_[len(freq):,:]*1.j).T # Get the upper and lower residuals if upper_r and lower_r: LR = A_LSFD[-4, :]+1.j*A_LSFD[-3, :] UR = A_LSFD[-2, :]+1.j*A_LSFD[-1, :] elif lower_r: LR = A_LSFD[-2, :]+1.j*A_LSFD[-1, :] UR = 0 elif upper_r: LR = 0 UR = A_LSFD[-2, :]+1.j*A_LSFD[-1, :] return A, FRF_rec, LR, UR def TA_construction(poles, freq, lower_r, upper_r): """Construct a matrix for the modal constant identification. The real and imaginary parts must be separated. """ nr_poles = len(poles) nr_freq = len(freq) omega = 2*np.pi*freq if omega[0] == 0: omega[0] = 1.e-2 omega_ = omega[:, None] if upper_r and lower_r: TA = np.zeros([2*nr_freq, 2*nr_poles + 4]) elif upper_r: TA = np.zeros([2*nr_freq, 2*nr_poles + 2]) elif lower_r: TA = np.zeros([2*nr_freq, 2*nr_poles + 2]) else: TA = np.zeros([2*nr_freq, 2*nr_poles]) # Initialization TA = np.zeros([2*nr_freq, 2*nr_poles + 4]) # Eigenmodes contribution TA[:nr_freq, 0:2*nr_poles:2] = (-np.real(poles))/(np.real(poles)**2+(omega_-np.imag(poles))**2)+\ (-np.real(poles))/(np.real(poles)**2+(omega_+np.imag(poles))**2) TA[nr_freq:, 0:2*nr_poles:2] = (-(omega_-np.imag(poles)))/(np.real(poles)**2+(omega_-np.imag(poles))**2)+\ (-(omega_+np.imag(poles)))/(np.real(poles)**2+(omega_+np.imag(poles))**2) TA[:nr_freq, 1:2*nr_poles+1:2] = ((omega_-np.imag(poles)))/(np.real(poles)**2+(omega_-np.imag(poles))**2)+\ (-(omega_+np.imag(poles)))/(np.real(poles)**2+(omega_+np.imag(poles))**2) TA[nr_freq:, 1:2*nr_poles+1:2] = (-np.real(poles))/(np.real(poles)**2+(omega_-np.imag(poles))**2)+\ (np.real(poles))/(np.real(poles)**2+(omega_+np.imag(poles))**2) # Lower and upper residuals contribution if upper_r and lower_r: TA[:nr_freq, -4] = -1/(omega**2) TA[nr_freq:, -3] = -1/(omega**2) TA[:nr_freq, -2] = np.ones(nr_freq) TA[nr_freq:, -1] = np.ones(nr_freq) elif lower_r: TA[:nr_freq, -2] = -1/(omega**2) TA[nr_freq:, -1] = -1/(omega**2) elif upper_r: TA[:nr_freq, -2] = np.ones(nr_freq) TA[nr_freq:, -1] = np.ones(nr_freq) return TA def LSFD_proportional(poles, frf, freq, lower_r, upper_r, lower_ind, upper_ind, frf_type): """Identification of the modal constants using the Least-Squares Frequency Domain method, where the real-valued modal constants (proportional damping) are assumed. :param poles: poles, identified with the LSCF :param frf: the measured Frequeny Response Functions :param freq: the frequency vector [Hz] :param lower_r: bool, include the lower residuals :param upper_r: bool, include the upper residuals :param lower_ind: the lower frequency limit :param upper_ind: the upper frequency limit """ frf = frf.T omega = 2*np.pi*freq[:, None] f, xi = tools.complex_freq_to_freq_and_damp(poles) w = 2*np.pi*f # flexible terms if frf_type == 'receptance': p1F = (w**2 - omega**2) / (4 * xi**2 * omega**2 * w**2 + (-omega**2 + w**2)**2) # real part p2F = (-2 * xi * omega * w) / (4 * xi**2 * omega**2 * w**2 + (-omega**2 + w**2)**2) # imag part elif frf_type == 'mobility': p1F = (2 * xi * omega**2 * w) / (4 * xi**2 * omega**2 * w**2 + (-omega**2 + w**2)**2) # real part p2F = (-omega**3 + omega * w**2) / (4 * xi**2 * omega**2 * w**2 + (-omega**2 + w**2)**2) # imag part elif frf_type == 'accelerance': p1F = (omega**4 - omega**2 * w**2) / (4 * xi**2 * omega**2 * w**2 + (-omega**2 + w**2)**2) # real part p2F = (2 * xi * omega**3 * w) / (4 * xi**2 * omega**2 * w**2 + (-omega**2 + w**2)**2) # imag part if lower_r == True: # lower residuals if frf_type == 'receptance': p1L = np.kron(np.array([1, 0]), -1/omega**2) p2L = np.kron(np.array([0, 1]), -1/omega**2) elif frf_type == 'mobility': p1L = np.kron(np.array([1, 0]), 1/omega) # real and imag part is switched because of frequency-domain derivation p2L = np.kron(np.array([0, 1]), -1/omega) elif frf_type == 'accelerance': p1L = np.kron(np.array([1, 0]), np.ones(freq.shape[0])[:, np.newaxis]) p2L = np.kron(np.array([0, 1]), np.ones(freq.shape[0])[:, np.newaxis]) if upper_r == True: if frf_type == 'receptance': p1U = np.kron(np.array([1, 0]), np.ones(freq.shape[0])[:, np.newaxis]) p2U = np.kron(np.array([0, 1]), np.ones(freq.shape[0])[:, np.newaxis]) elif frf_type == 'mobility': p1U = np.kron(np.array([1, 0]), -omega) p2U = np.kron(np.array([0, 1]), omega) elif frf_type == 'accelerance': p1U = np.kron(np.array([1, 0]), -omega**2) p2U = np.kron(np.array([0, 1]), -omega**2) if lower_r == True and upper_r == True: P = np.block([[p1F, p1L, p1U], [p2F, p2L, p2U]]) elif lower_r == True and upper_r == False: P = np.block([[p1F, p1L], [p2F, p2L]]) elif lower_r == False and upper_r == True: P = np.block([[p1F, p1U], [p2F, p2U]]) elif lower_r == False and upper_r == False: P = np.block([[p1F], [p2F]]) Y = np.block([[frf.real], [frf.imag]]) # Lower and upper frequency limit mask mask = np.zeros(Y.shape[0], dtype=bool) mask[lower_ind:upper_ind] = True mask[frf.shape[0]+lower_ind:frf.shape[0]+upper_ind] = True A_ = np.linalg.lstsq(P[mask], Y[mask])[0].T # modal constants A = A_[:, :w.shape[0]] # residuals if lower_r == True and upper_r == True: if frf_type == 'mobility': LR = A_[:, -3] + 1j*A_[:, -4] UR = A_[:, -1] + 1j*A_[:, -2] else: LR = A_[:, -4] + 1j*A_[:, -3] UR = A_[:, -2] + 1j*A_[:, -1] elif lower_r == True and upper_r == False: if frf_type == 'mobility': LR = A_[:, -1] + 1j*A_[:, -2] else: LR = A_[:, -2] + 1j*A_[:, -1] UR = np.zeros(frf.shape[1], dtype=complex) elif lower_r == False and upper_r == True: LR = np.zeros(frf.shape[1], dtype=complex) if frf_type == 'mobility': UR = A_[:, -1] + 1j*A_[:, -2] else: UR = A_[:, -2] + 1j*A_[:, -1] elif lower_r == False and upper_r == False: LR = np.zeros(frf.shape[1], dtype=complex) UR = np.zeros(frf.shape[1], dtype=complex) # FRF reconstruction FRF_rec_ = np.einsum("fp,op", P, A_) FRF_rec_r, FRF_rec_i = np.split(FRF_rec_, 2, axis=0) FRF_rec = (FRF_rec_r + 1.j*FRF_rec_i).T return A, FRF_rec, LR, UR def LSFD(poles, frf, freq, lower_r, upper_r, lower_ind, upper_ind, frf_type): """Identification of the modal constants using the Least-Squares Frequency Domain method, where the real-valued modal constants (proportional damping) are assumed. :param poles: poles, identified with the LSCF :param frf: the measured Frequeny Response Functions :param freq: the frequency vector [Hz] :param lower_r: bool, include the lower residuals :param upper_r: bool, include the upper residuals :param lower_ind: the lower frequency limit :param upper_ind: the upper frequency limit """ frf = frf.T omega = 2*np.pi*freq[:, None] f, xi = tools.complex_freq_to_freq_and_damp(poles) w = 2*np.pi*f sr = poles.real si = poles.imag # flexible terms if frf_type == 'receptance': p11 = -(sr) / (sr**2 + (-si + omega)**2) - (sr) / (sr**2 + (si + omega)**2) p12 = (-si + omega) / (sr**2 + (-si + omega)**2) - (si + omega) / (sr**2 + (si + omega)**2) p21 = (si - omega) / (sr**2 + (-si + omega)**2) - (si + omega) / (sr**2 + (si + omega)**2) p22 = -(sr) / (sr**2 + (-si + omega)**2) + (sr) / (sr**2 + (si + omega)**2) elif frf_type == 'mobility': p11 = (-si * omega + omega**2) / (sr**2 + (-si + omega)**2) + (si * omega + omega**2) / (sr**2 + (si + omega)**2) p12 = (sr * omega) / (sr**2 + (-si + omega)**2) - (sr * omega) / (sr**2 + (si + omega)**2) p21 = -(sr * omega) / (sr**2 + (-si + omega)**2) - (sr * omega) / (sr**2 + (si + omega)**2) p22 = (-si * omega + omega**2) / (sr**2 + (-si + omega)**2) - (si * omega + omega**2) / (sr**2 + (si + omega)**2) elif frf_type == 'accelerance': p11 = (sr * omega**2) / (sr**2 + (-si + omega)**2) + (sr * omega**2) / (sr**2 + (si + omega)**2) p12 = (si * omega**2 - omega**3) / (sr**2 + (-si + omega)**2) + (si * omega**2 + omega**3) / (sr**2 + (si + omega)**2) p21 = (-si * omega**2 + omega**3) / (sr**2 + (-si + omega)**2) + (si * omega**2 + omega**3) / (sr**2 + (si + omega)**2) p22 = (sr * omega**2) / (sr**2 + (-si + omega)**2) - (sr * omega**2) / (sr**2 + (si + omega)**2) if lower_r == True: # lower residuals if frf_type == 'receptance': p1L = np.kron(np.array([1, 0]), -1/omega**2) p2L = np.kron(np.array([0, 1]), -1/omega**2) elif frf_type == 'mobility': p1L = np.kron(np.array([1, 0]), 1/omega) # real and imag part is switched because of frequency-domain derivation p2L = np.kron(np.array([0, 1]), -1/omega) elif frf_type == 'accelerance': p1L = np.kron(np.array([1, 0]), np.ones(freq.shape[0])[:, np.newaxis]) p2L = np.kron(np.array([0, 1]), np.ones(freq.shape[0])[:, np.newaxis]) if upper_r == True: if frf_type == 'receptance': p1U = np.kron(np.array([1, 0]), np.ones(freq.shape[0])[:, np.newaxis]) p2U = np.kron(np.array([0, 1]), np.ones(freq.shape[0])[:, np.newaxis]) elif frf_type == 'mobility': p1U = np.kron(np.array([1, 0]), -omega) p2U = np.kron(np.array([0, 1]), omega) elif frf_type == 'accelerance': p1U = np.kron(np.array([1, 0]), -omega**2) p2U = np.kron(np.array([0, 1]), -omega**2) if lower_r == True and upper_r == True: P = np.block([[p11, p12, p1L, p1U], [p21, p22, p2L, p2U]]) elif lower_r == True and upper_r == False: P = np.block([[p11, p12, p1L], [p21, p22, p2L]]) elif lower_r == False and upper_r == True: P = np.block([[p11, p12, p1U], [p21, p22, p2U]]) elif lower_r == False and upper_r == False: P = np.block([[p11, p12], [p21, p22]]) Y = np.block([[frf.real], [frf.imag]]) # Lower and upper frequency limit mask mask = np.zeros(Y.shape[0], dtype=bool) mask[lower_ind:upper_ind] = True mask[frf.shape[0]+lower_ind:frf.shape[0]+upper_ind] = True # weighted least squares in works # weights = np.tile(np.sqrt(np.arange(lower_ind, upper_ind)), 2) # with sqrt # W = np.diag(weights/np.max(weights)) # weights = np.tile(np.sum(1/((freq[:, None] - f)**2 + 1e5), axis=1), 2)[mask] # W = np.diag(weights/np.max(weights)) # A_ = np.linalg.lstsq(W@P[mask], W@Y[mask])[0].T A_ = np.linalg.lstsq(P[mask], Y[mask])[0].T # modal constants Ar, Ai = np.split(A_[:, :2*w.shape[0]], 2, axis=1) A = Ar + 1j*Ai # residuals if lower_r == True and upper_r == True: if frf_type == 'mobility': LR = A_[:, -3] + 1j*A_[:, -4] UR = A_[:, -1] + 1j*A_[:, -2] else: LR = A_[:, -4] + 1j*A_[:, -3] UR = A_[:, -2] + 1j*A_[:, -1] elif lower_r == True and upper_r == False: if frf_type == 'mobility': LR = A_[:, -1] + 1j*A_[:, -2] else: LR = A_[:, -2] + 1j*A_[:, -1] UR = np.zeros(frf.shape[1], dtype=complex) elif lower_r == False and upper_r == True: LR = np.zeros(frf.shape[1], dtype=complex) if frf_type == 'mobility': UR = A_[:, -1] + 1j*A_[:, -2] else: UR = A_[:, -2] + 1j*A_[:, -1] elif lower_r == False and upper_r == False: LR = np.zeros(frf.shape[1], dtype=complex) UR = np.zeros(frf.shape[1], dtype=complex) # FRF reconstruction FRF_rec_ = np.einsum("fp,op", P, A_) FRF_rec_r, FRF_rec_i = np.split(FRF_rec_, 2, axis=0) FRF_rec = (FRF_rec_r + 1.j*FRF_rec_i).T return A, FRF_rec, LR, UR